Top 10 Dog Breeds in the UK
Dog ownership has gone through the roof over the last couple of years, with lockdown being one of the biggest factors of this recent increase of dog adoptions and sales. As more people have been staying at home, a puppy pal seems to be a lot more manageable now more than ever and the Kennel Club has given us an insight to the most popular dog breeds in the UK over the past couple of years.
For this list, as to not make things too complicated, we have focused on the most popular working dogs in UK since 2020, according to the Kennel Club. If you’re looking for an intelligent, strong, alert and loving dog, you could do a lot worse than the working dog group. However, this still leaves us with 221 different dog breeds with these attributes that fall under there working dog category.
So here are the top 10 working dog breeds 2021
1. Boxer
There’s no doubting top dog in the UK when it comes to the working group. The boxer is a German export and has stolen the show last year 3,202 Kennel Club registrations recorded last year and it’s easy to see why.
2. Rottweiler
known as great guard dogs, Rottweiler’s may be one of the most misunderstood breeds as they can be extremely gentle and loving. Not surprisingly this is why they received 2,050 registrations according to the Kennel Club.
3. Dogue De Bordeaux / French Mastiff
From Germany to France the Dogue De Bordeaux, also known as the Bordeaux Mastiff is increasingly becoming a popular pup in the UK. This powerful dog has 1,500 registrations last year.
4. Dobermann
Another dog of German descent the highly intelligent Dobermann is known to be very loyal and protective of their family coming in with a massive 1,440 registrations over the last couple of years.
5. Great Dane
Coming in at the half way mark with an impressive 772 registrations is perhaps the definition of gentle giant. Great Danes are one of the world’s largest dogs along with having a sweet, loving nature, particularly with children.
6. St Bernard
Originally bred to rescue people lost in the Swiss Alps, the St Bernard is another gentle giant. Always eager to please these make the perfect family dog receiving 607 Kennel Club registrations.
7. Newfoundland
With a natural instinct to help and protect people this hairy hound makes a lovely service dog. Extremely loyal and intelligent the Newfoundland came in seventh with 557 registered in the UK last year.
8. Bernese Mountain Dog
Another Swiss working dog, the Bernese Mountain Dog is beloved for their sweet, easy going nature along with their devotion to their family, therefore we have no trouble believing there was 518 registrations last year.
9. Siberian Husky
Used to a cold, icy terrain I’m sure the Siberian husky feels at home with our British winters. The Kennel Club received 391 husky registrations overall.
10. Bullmastiff
Originally bred as a guard dog in the nineteenth century, despite having a calm and friendly temperament, the bullmastiff comes in last but not least at number ten with 372 registrations.